Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Catch up!

0 miles - just playing catch up today for work and life. Here is what my hallway looks like right now. Need I say more? It would be a lot easier to clean it up if I could actually bend over or squat down to pick it up. Ha. Ha. Maybe tomorrow....

* I also thought this "self portrait" of us on the rickshaw was pretty funny... TOTAL tourists...

*A picture of my wheels ready to go for race day...

*And a "Go Team" sticker on the hallway floor at the hotel, alw
ays reminding us...

Monday, June 7, 2010


0 miles - We flew home from the load-in at 9am on the shuttles to returning home at about 9pm. Needless to say... I'm WAY sore. Ha. ouch! Here are some more pictures from my amazing weekend. Here's one of my sister Emmy and her kids that was emailed to us. Names on my jersey that we were running in "honor of" and some after marathon shenanigans at the celebration dinner. Also the bracelets I wore for LLS and also Nick Lacina our honoree who is an ISU student still battling Leukemia right now... his chemotherapy is what he calls his marathon. When you think about it that way, yep, I think 26.2 is the easy road, right?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

We did it!!

26.2 miles - We did it! We did it! What a great weekend with my dear friend Dainna, we laughed... she cried (hee hee) and we accomplished something that we've been working toward for 5 months. We had a great experience, a great run and with the exception of me being a little light headed for about a mile and a half at mile 9 - 10.5 (nothing a little tylenol, pretzels and clif bloks couldn't cure)we made it with flying colors. We worked through the marathon as a team and Dainna, Stacy, Jonna and I plowed through the 26.2. With my name on my arm and the state of Iowa on my jersey and thousands of Team In Training purple cheerleaders and jerseys we had amazing support the whole way. Right from our 4am shuttle departure from the hotel to the line in the portapotties(behind the dude that was giving out WAY too much info in his short shorts.. please don't stretch, please don't stretch!), to running into someone from my hometown of G-R (amy koester) at mile 20! We started in corral number 23 which started about 45 minutes after corral 1... that's what happens when you have 40,000 people at a starting line at 6:15 in the morning, you need a few corrals to get rolling. :-) I'd have to say the 2nd half of the marathon was the best for me. No one ever says that, but it truly was. The cool breeze by the bay was better than the pounding sun on the freeway route. I felt great and had bounced back from mile 9. The scenery was nice and the aid stations were amazing. And the miles being ticked off didn't hurt either. :-) The best surprise was when I lost count at the end and thought we had 3 miles to go and it was only 1.5... now there's a treat! Dainna and I had a strong 2nd half and after about mile 18, we would run ahead and then wait for Jonna and Stacy at the aid stations and then move forward together as a group again once we knew everyone was all right. Us midwest girls were a force to be reckoned with! For all those miles we stuck together and it felt a lot like a video game where you were always looking ahead trying to navigate around the walkers and slower runners. When they joined courses with the walkers midway through the race it got pretty crazy to navigate around but we all watched out for each other and there we were stilling ticking off the miles. Matter of fact, that's what I dreamt about lst night in navigating the people. ahhh! And it was hot and sunny. There was a point at which the salt on my arms was so thick from all that sweating (CA, full sun,5+ hours of running... you end up sweating a little bit!) I told Dainna later that I felt like pouring a margarita on them and going to town. LOL...you get to thinking about things like this as you are plugging away at the miles and your legs are sore. ha. Dainna and I took off after the last rest stop and finished so strong it felt like we were sprinting the last 1/2. checking off people like they were roadkill (running race term I picked up at Hood to Coast in Portland years ago) I had a little "starry eyes surprise" on my ipod which always gets me going. We were never in it for the finish time, but we felt so good, it was fun to finish....we even cheered as we ran past the guy that proposed to his girlfriend who was running the marathon, he had written on a big cardboard sign, "will you marry me". How cool is that... and they weren't the only ones, there were other stories, like the couple we came across Sunday night at the ice cream shop that we were getting a cocoa from... they told us the whole story and he hadn't even thought about doing it until they were a few miles from the finish and said, "I thought to myself, wouldn't it be tight if i proposed at the finish", she thought he was cramping up when he got down on his kneee. I'm such a sucker for that stuff! LOL. Dainna and I held hands and raised 'em above our heads over the finish line. Success! Yay! Other inspiring stuff: the Iowa chapter had a team member that was recognized for her fundraising and that was really exciting... $50K since January and she lost her husband to Leukemia in February. Very emotional time as he was at my table at the kick off in December... brings to life the amazing impact and reason we had for all of the fundraising. There are so many stories from the weekend, the 1/2 marathoners from our team that got mixed in with the marathons and realized at mile 17 they couldn't get off the course but laughed instead of cried, the 2 blisters that Stacy had the looked like new toes they were so big, Jonna's coffee, oatmeal and shower regime that she did even on race day at 3am, Dainna and I giggling in delirium and staying up past our bedtime chatting, icing feet and "rolling" with our new "stick" that we bought at the expo. Don't ask. LOL... let's just say it helps you work out your sore muscles. The amazing pizza and wine at Sammy's Sunday night that the 4 of us celebrated our finish and rode in a rickshaw to get there as we were to tired and sore to walk to the LampPost district pizza shop. The inspiring speeches, the heart tugging stories of loss, the positive energy of support on the course and the feeling that I just can't stop smiling. Thanks to my awesome friend Dainna (and congrats on her first marathon!), thanks to all my family & friends that have had to hear my stories of cold wintery runs, toenails or lack thereof, intestinal concerns more than once and overall running chitchat. Thanks to all the people that donated to the cause as it means more than you know to so many people fighting blood cancers and fighting for their lives. Trust me, every cent makes a difference in research & hope. My thoughts and honor to those that have survived and lost the battle... I had names pinned to my jersey and my thoughts went out to many as I ran these miles in their honor.
My final thoughts... this is what IT is all about. I'm going to enjoy the ride. Every step of the way.
p.s. the only photos I have Dai and I took at 3:45am before we took off. I didn't have my cell phone with me so I couldn't take any pics on course or after. I'm sure I'll post some more intense ones of our finish later. :-)~ Although a 3:30am photoshoot on race day is pretty intense if you think about it.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day before race

2 miles - We did a 2 mile run on the waterfront with the whole MN team of about 80 peeps. It was way cool and it was fun to meet a couple of the people Dainna has been training with. We then had oatmeal and yogurt overlooking the water at Starbucks and then pretty much did nothing most of the day. We did have "Inspiration Dinners" to get all the TNT peeps together and celebrate fundraising successes, etc. It was very touching and exciting and they had local cheerleaders for us as we walked in on the "red carpet" for our last pasta meal and some inspiring speakers. All I can say is... Go Team! p.s. as you can see in this photo, Dainna is a perfect example of what you should do the day before a marathon!

Friday, June 4, 2010

We're in San Diego!

0 miles - Traveled to MN and met up with Dainna and then on to SanDiego. We are at the Hilton Bayside which was fabulous! We got in and then went to the Expo to collect our race numbers, swag bags, etc. It was a great SD Marathon expo and we got new "sticks" for rolling out our aches and pains and new "sweatproof" Halo visors for race to help with the sweat in our eyes. All in all, I'd say we are pretty legit now. ;-) Here we are at the expo and also here is our Saturday relaxation hydration routine.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is it!

26.2 miles - well not yet, but on Sunday! I'm off to meet my team and about 3,000 other TNT members in SanDiego on a 9am flight out of DesMoines. Wish me luck... actually never mind I don't need luck... wish me a good time! Info when I get back as I'm not taking my computer. Thank you for your love and support on my journey... I've got a really good feeling about this weekend, it's going to be amazing!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Event Info!

4 miles - Neighborhood jog today before our team meeting tonight. We get our race jerseys and other info. I'm sure it will be a very fun time and inspiring. They have a ton of things planned for us once we get there with LLS TNT shuttles, parties, honor dinners and dances. I think this will be one of those life changing things that make me realize what life is all about, ya know? So the race is on Sunday June 6th, 26.2 miles at 6:15am, a new race course this year apparently. Which means nothing to me cause obviously I've never run the old course. :-) We end inside Sea World and we actually leave the hotel at like 4am to get to the starting line with the zillion other people. There will be 30,000 people running or walking it and thousands of dollars raised in Iowa alone, never mind amongst 30K people for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. How's that for a ton of positive energy all in one place?? I'm so excited. :-) Sign me up!

Monday, May 31, 2010


2 mile walk - Its the final week of relatively light activity before the run on Saturday. I'm trying to get forms printed and "stuff" aligned and physically and mentally loaded up for the weekend. Tonight I went for a walk through the cemetery near me. I've always enjoyed a walk or run through a cemetery and today it was bright with flowers and flags. It brought a tear to my eye in remembering not only those that have passed in my life(my Grandpa R and my Grandma M) but also for the amazing sacrifice of so many for the freedoms I have to be walking around in complete freedom and I mean complete. It's amazing if you think about all the liberties that we have and the freedom's that we enjoy daily. There was an amazing sunset that my camera phone (that I use for everything . ha.) could not capture in it's glory but here's my best shot. Blessed. We are blessed.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!

0 miles - My sister,husband and kids stayed the night with me for the holiday weekend. We had so much fun with everything form bbq, smores, slip n' slide to movies and crafts. I didn't get a run in but chasing kids around is my kinda exercise! Here are Max, Alex and Sophia acting like gangsters with their water guns and also a picture of our craft project. Decorating flip flops... we are decorating them for the upcoming June Robertson-Storey annual campout. The camping theme is Luau and there will be a flipflop decoration contest so we had to go big! :-)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Full Circle

8 miles - Well, we came full circle from 5 months ago with our last team run together this weekend and did 8 miles. The group was optimistic, the weather humid and the sense of accomplishment inspiring. We are ready for the marathon, we are excited for the trip and we only have 1 week to go!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Could it be the shoes?

4 miles - My hip has been feeling a lot better, so I tried out the new runners again tonight. I'm hoping that I can wear them on marathon day as they have a ton more cushion than the ones that I've been using since starting the training in January. We'll see how it feels tomorrow. Fingers crossed. It was a great run tonight, I went right before dark as it was really hot again today. People were out and about, lawns were mowed, pets were happy... and so was I. :-)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hot. I'm really Hot.

0 miles - waited all day for the AC guys to come and hook me up. Finally last night a smiley guy shows up at my door. Way cool, cause a.) he was smiley and b) he also added some freon and I was saved! So anyway... crisis averted. Onward.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Season Finale

4 miles - Right before my big finale in San Diego, I also anxiously awaited the big finale on The Biggest Loser. Tonight was the night. I've gotta say I was kinda bummed.

A) my air is still broken and it was 85 degrees in my house (not exaggerating)on the treadmill. Talk about torturing yourself. Yeah... first drop of sweat during the walk warmup!

B) Michael won the whole thing and he is not who I was voting for at all

C) Koli was all weird yet again and I really wanna like that guy. :-)

Drama. Drama.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lightning Bugs

3 miles - yep, squeezed out an itty bitty 3 mile run tonight around 9pm trying to beat the heat. Sidenote: the heat beat me. :) I did see my first lightning bug (aka fireflies!) sighting tonight. Gotta love an Iowa night lit up by these awesome little bugs, come to think of it... they are the only bugs that I like! Today it was 90+ and over the top humidity, I believe the weather dude said, "the kind of day that you feel like you are wearing the moisture in the air". Which is pretty much what I looked like after my run. Drenched. Ew. Insult to injury = my AC won't turn on. Go figure. With all the other chaos in my life this year with broken furnaces, cars, snowblowers, kitchen faucets, toilets (fixed in error and leaking through ceiling in my kitchen) and an ice dam (damn!) causing interior damage upstairs and downstairs... I could only laugh and then sigh. Seriously? Seriously. Seriously? oh, my. This house is going to clean me out of any savings I ever had. So I sweated it out, it is 84 degrees in my house. I had the ice dam adjuster dude from Farm Bureau swinging by and made him take a peek ha. I needed to know I wasn't going crazy and doing something wrong. I'm thinking coffee shop and a call to the AC peeps tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me pretty please!!!! #fail

Saturday, May 22, 2010

'Lil 10 mile jog

10 miles - Summer is here and the humidity came with it. Because of my way sore hip, I threw on my old runners in the hopes of my hip healing, or at least not getting worse. It was another gorgeous Saturday 6am run. Even better, we had some new people on day 1 of their LLS TNT journey, as they'll be running their events in the Fall. We only had to do a 'lil 10 mile jog compared to the 20 mile run last week. So we were all pretty chill. Truly a testament to the power of thought. Whatever mileage you know you need to do is what you are mentally ready to tackle. Whether it is a 5 mile or a 15 mile, I am ready to take it on. Now, how to relate this to life. The interesting part is how we are so much more comfortable with something when it's a sure thing. I've run 10 miles a ton of times the last few months, it is not threatening to me at all. But the first time I did it, it sure was. If only I could take these positive thoughts and assurances into some of the things that I have a fear of in life. Some of the things that are hard to make decisions about because... I don't know if they are a sure thing. I've not experienced them before. But I need to remember that all will be fine. I'll complete whatever it is that is making me waiver and when I'm done, I'll have one less fear. Setting my mind to something is something I can do now... when it comes to running. There's never a thought in my mind that I won't complete the long runs. I love that. The rest of my weekend was chill. Jonna and I went to the Farmers Market and walked around and then my nephews visited this afternoon. They love cheesy toys and I'd gotten these on clearance at Big Lots or as my sister calls it... Big Lots 'O Crap. :) They are so cute. Just love 'em and a great end to a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Neighborhood Jog

4 miles - After a 3 day hiatus, I decided to give it a go this evening. I'm just gonna say it.. I have a really sore hip. I'm 3 weeks out from the marathon so I'm scared not to run enough during the week, but I'm also hoping that the sore hip will heal up a bit. So, I'm balancing those two fears. ha. I did have a good run tonight but we'll see how it goes the next couple days. I'm tempted to do treadmill running as I think there is more give/softer landing than on sidewalks. But, we'll see. :-) On another note, I've spent the last two nights entertaining friends on my back patio. Grilling with some old RB peeps, Kiley & Grant and then I hosted the monthly Giggling Gaggle. Wonderful people, food and weather... really I couldn't ask for a better week this week! I just love spring and summer and it really helps remind me this was my dream all those cold days where we ran in the snow and ice. It just plain makes me happy! Yay for simple pleasures.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Most amazing parents ever

0 miles - My morning started with a call from Mom telling me that she and Dad had decided to come to DSM for the day, bring the power washer and help me get my back patio/pond cleaned up. Yay!!! I have the most amazing parents ever, they do stuff like this without complaining and are always so much fun to be around. They brought the washer and dad did most of the slate in the backyard while mom and I went and bought flowers to pot and knee high "pond boots" for me. When we got back I jumped in the pond and spent a couple hours sloshing around in sewery water and taking all of the rocks out of the pond so that we could power wash 'em off. Mom potted all the flowers and cleaned some of my deck furniture. We powered through something that usually takes me forever when I do it by myself. So...in lieu of a run, I lifted rocks and worked on my back/arm muscles. ;-) My body needed a break after the 20 mile run as I seem to have a sore hip now, possibly because I have some new runners as well (or old age? the plot thickens!). So... hoping that clears up but if not.. I've only got 3 weeks to go so I think I'll be just fine! Incidentally, I talked to Dainna yesterday and she had a great 20 mile run up in MN yesterday as well. We are ready and we are going to have a great time in San Diego in T minues 3 weeks!! woohoooo! p.s. I should have taken before and after pics, but here are the after (almost finished back patio... still need to fill the pond after I get a new light for it). Yay!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Awesome Saturday

20 miles - Scary Saturday turned into Awesome Saturday! It was a great run, Staci, Jonna, Kris, Sam and I ran about 12 miles together and then Coach Kevin got Staci, Jonna and I through the last few miles. I felt great and the weather was perfection. I'm so happy this run went... well, it went as amazing as it could have! The crazy part is that I'm always concerned about digestion, so I sorta didn't really eat dinner the night before, or ummm breakfast (since it was a 6am run). So I had some popcorn for dinner and that's it. I was concerned about having the energy needed for the run but I'm usually more concerned about the digestion issues I've had along the way. So... amazingly enough, I had plenty of energy; I was really ready to be done about mile 19, but even had a great kick at the end the last 1/2 mile. I used Clif Bar Energy Bloks, black cherry flavor and shared with the girls as well, I paced myself with these and also made sure I had water at every rest stop. I REALLY like these, I was first turned on to them at the San Fran group run as they had them at the aid stations. Big fan, try them if you haven't already! Their a bit like Dots candy... same texture. And if you know me at all, you know I'm a big fan of candy, esp. gummy candies. :-) So, I had a great run, took a nap and then went to see friends that stayed with me last night(the amazingly cute Olive & Oliver) at a Bacon Fest party they were having with all things Bacon. Yep, ice cream and cookies with bacon included. LOL. How's that for a follow up to a long run! Then I went to a graduation party on Sat night for one of my old wiiingsta's, Savannah Herr. I got to also see her sister Hannah! Yay Hannah, always so wonderful to see her and hear how things are going in Boise. Hannah was on the Wiiings team in Boise, so I have had the pleasure of working with both of these wonderful sisters. My best wishes to Savannah as she embarks on her post grad journey!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Scary Saturday

0 miles - in honor of scary Saturday (20 mile run tomorrow at 6am) I'm taking a walk today and calling it good. Meals planned: pasta and pasta. :) I'm actually kinda excited for the experience tomorrow as the most I've run in one chunk so far is 16. I think this final push for 20 will get me prepared to wind down to the actual marathon date of June 6. San Diego here we come! So, last night I spent some time with some of my favorite people. My sister lydia and three of her co-workers spent the night in order to make it to an early conference today, and we were up until 1:30am talking in bed. hee. hee. Growing up, mom and dad would have been so ticked, my sister Ellen and I always got in trouble for that! Before Lydia came I had a Jr League event. We celebrated the new members and were at one of my fav places La Mie/Le Jardin. Admission: I had two glasses of HobNob pinot noir. Way yummy! My lovely friends Jenny & Sara were teasing about whether they would "make the blog" or not. So here is their debut photo. :) Tonight as an extra treat to my weekend, Deenna Jensen and her new little 2 mth old twins Olive & Oliver are staying with me! Cannot wait to get my hands on those little babies. So excited!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

No morning girl

5 miles - So I did a morning treadmill run and told myself I would do higher mileage to make up for my slackerness yesterday. Still a bit sore from the sprinting but set the tread to a 5 mile run. Somewhere during the run, I got it in my mind that I was doing 4 miles. So at 3.5 miles I decide, screw the sore legs, this interval thing is fun! So ran at 5.5 for 3 miles, 6.0 for 1/d mile and I did some sprinting up to 7.5 and back down the "last" half mile to 4, at which time I realized I had set out to do 5. How I knew this? Ole' tread did not stop. ha. I was prepared for it, grabbed the handles and... nothing... she just kept rolling. This my friends is why I should not be given any tasks in the morning that could have serious consequences. Ha. So I ran that last mile with some more intervals the last .5 and called a good run. Hoping that I won't be sore for the Saturday 20 miles. That's right party people.... 20 miles. at one time. no awards. no crowds or bands cheering. no water stations every mile. Just us and the open road (or trail, but you see what I'm say'n). The good news = I think I'm ready for this. :) Mentally, I'm all about it, hoping my body feels the same way come Sat. (I may say otherwise on Saturday at 6am, as I've got a family friend and husband staying at my house on Friday night with their 2 mth old twins. hee. hee. Yay!!!!)
p.s. Favorite new costco snack for the high maintenance can't cut their own or simply eat the apple with cutting into pieces apple eater.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


0 miles - Umm, super ambitious interval training/sprinting yesterday on the tread = sore legs today! Who woulda thought??? Seriously?? In other news: expecting a new NIECE in September, the tally continues to change course from the initial 4 nephews that I had. Nephews = 5, Nieces gaining with = 3

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Interval training

7 miles & a 1 mile walk for the warmdown - So it appears I AM a fair weather runner, apparently when it comes to rain although the snow didn't bother me. Bizarre. It just feels much worse to be wet and cold than dry and cold if ya know what I mean. So, my poor dad, farming sucks right now with all this cold weather and rain... news stories at night on the fears of the farms in replanting because the crops that went in the beautiful early spring are now dying. *sigh* Oh, Iowa weather. So, compared to my dad's concerns, mine are nothing. I actually look forward to my tuesday nights with TBL runs. 2 hours on a treadmill and I look forward to it? I know, it shocks me as well. I get so inspired with Bob or Jillian are yelling at the contestants while on the treadmill that my pace automatically picks up and it throws me off. LOL. So for this evening, I did a bit of what I saw... interval training. I did 6 miles at 10 min mile pace (6.0) and then did interval training for each .05 mile the last mile going all the way up to 7.5 at times. It was a lot of fun and believe it or not that last mile flew by. Weird how 6.0 seemed slow when I ramped it up. Also, I actually felt thinner after this run. That's right thinner and more fit. I'm digging this and can't believe I didn't do more of it during my treadmill running over the winter!

Monday, May 10, 2010


0 miles - that's right. I'm telling myself that I'm just saving myself for our 20 mile run this weekend. But truth: I didn't have the time traveling on Sunday and staying the night in Reinbeck and couldn't get motivated to go on Monday. Sad state of affairs. :) I'll make up for it tomorrow.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rain, rain go away

10 miles - thunderstorms and chaos. But the skies cleared for our 10 mile run this morning. It was all of 42 degrees and windy but we've been through much worse so it was a great run. I had my friend Jenny Adrianse come out with her high school friend Alicia. They are training for the Dam to Dam race that is WAY famous in DesMoines. I think maybe that will have to be my goal next summer. :) It is the same weekend as SanDiego Rock N Roll Marathon that we are running, so a No Go for this year. I think Jenny had a good run and it was a record distance for her... Yay! The rest of this weekend is traveling home to Reinbeck for Mother's Day and a cousin's high school graduation celebration. Remember what that was like? Graduating from High School, world's your oyster and you are still more worried about boys than you are about a college acceptance letter? Ha. Kinda miss that. Kinda not.

Friday, May 7, 2010

1 down, 2 to go

0 miles - I lost a toenail. Finally. Relatively pain free and my new guy had already pretty much "somewhat" grown in under it. So just threw some nailpolish on and ready for the other two hanging on by a thread nails to peace out. I know. Ew.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


0 miles - Long day at work today and had a training this evening for a Women's Mentorship programming we're working on for Jr League this weekend. So, alas, didn't get a run in. I did however, steal some Lilacs from the McDonalds I was driving by tonight on the way home. I've had my eyes on the lilacs as there are a ton of bushes and they are right in the parking lot. Earlier this week, I had actually intended to "borrow" some from a local elementary school nearby on my run route. However, last night as I went on an evening run for the perfect, darker, stealth, borrowing of the flowers expedition (there are like 4 bushes, they wouldn't have noticed!)... and guess what? Everyone else had totally beat me to it!!!! There weren't any branches with flowers within my reach. Shocking! I'm not the only lilac stealer in the neighborhood. Incidentally I'm a room away and can smell the lovely lilacs in my kitchen. Thank you McDonald's!

Incidentally, below is the group pic of my team Lullabot while in SF that helped me reach my fundraising goals for the LLS as I pave my way to SanDiego, lilacs and all. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cinco de mayo good girl

4 miles - Nothing to see here people. Nothing to see here. The most damage I did today was a lunch at El Aguila with a friend which entailed some not-so-healthy mexican food and a darn good dose of chips and salsa, which I've been craving ridiculously lately. What's up with that? Although I am a disciplined girl when it comes to not consuming alcohol, not so much for eating healthy. I tend to go back to my carb loading ways and here I am still hauling all of me around without the desired lighter load. Also, just put'n it out there, the weekly runs and creativity are getting harder and harder. What is not getting harder is the mindset for the long runs. I continue to marvel at the fact that the 4 mile runs feel very similar to the long runs of 10+ miles mentally. Interesting lesson in mind over matter. It's pretty crazy, but definitely holds true. I will say that today was one of those great runs with a kick at the end that I so desire but are a bit elusive at times. Love those!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


4 miles - I feel it. I've become more boring as the date draws near. No more chaotic weather (except maybe a storm or two) or exotic foods to report. No more crazy trips with traveling runs. I'm on the home stretch to the marathon. The only thing to get past these days are cinco de mayo margaritas and wine on the patio warm nights. Working on the final steps/stairway to the marathon on June 6. Took this picture with my iphone on the run as I thought this was a fun little stairway to "?", I guess whichever goal the navigator wants to reach. :) Seems to be missing the treehouse intended for it. :) I think it also got my attention because I remember when my sister Ellen and I were young, that is as far as we got with our fabulous plans to build a treehouse. We got one step nailed on the tree and called it good. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

80's are here

4 miles - temperature that is. 80's in full effect today and it was a lesson in what the marathon may very well feel like in San Diego in June. Minus the midwest humidity of course. Nonetheless, had a good afternoon run today. I still have the dream of getting up early at 6am in the mornings, it's just that that dream hasn't been realized yet. I'm literally still dreaming at that time in the morning. :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nap time

4 miles - I've been trying to get over the last remnants of a cold/sinus infection. Case in point: taking a "quick" nap and then waking up 3 hours later. Seriously? Seriously. The day also had an amazing Iowa thunderstorm in store for me. What a treat. Finally rallied and went for a 4 mile walk that turned into a run as I ran into friends which = ran out of daylight time. :-) Oh, and here is a pic of me at around mile 11 or 12 of the Drake 1/2 marathon, apparently still having a good time. ;-)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day

12 miles - It was great to meet up with the local crew this weekend. It was a skeleton crew as a few team members were at the Vancouver 1/2 marathon/marathon. Not sure where the other "regulars" were but Stacy and I plugged away on our 12 mile run. It's really fun to get to know others over a couple hours of running. :-) Kevin hung with us on his bike for a while but had to scoot off early for his kids baseball events. It was the most gorgeous weather ever for a morning run. Also, first day of the Des Moines Farmers Market. Had that one on my calendar with a heart around it for months! Also as it is May 1, it reminds me of when my mom used to help us make May baskets and deliver them to our friends. As a farm kid, we didn't get to run next door and ring a doorbell. We had to jump in the old woody station wagon and drive around to the other farms outside of Reinbeck. Some great memories, we used to be pretty creative with ice cream cones, popcorn balls and candy, and we were not above throwing a dixie cup and pipecleaner handle together some years for good measure. So... the fact that it is May 1 also reminds me that we are 5 weeks away from the big day. And as the training is going well... I'm just happy I'm saying that is May Day, rather than yelling in distress Mayday, Mayday! Big huge difference. :-)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


4 miles - Normally I curse my ever so keen sense of smell. Can't hear worth a darn and the eyes have been fixed, I mean really of all the senses to be sharp... smell? However... in the Spring I love it. I went for a run at dusk tonight and my, oh, my the smells were fabulous. Nothing tops fresh cut lawns, lilac bushes in bloom (my favorite smelling flower EVER, reminds me of the farm), and various other trees turning from blooms to leaves. I also saw some peeps walking with their Snookies ice cream. I had been traveling so much I forgot that the local favorite ice cream shop opens in April every year. I must go for the twist cone with the trademark animal cookie on top. Yay! Sidenote: It has not escaped me that my posts about food have turned from way healthy back in January to ice cream in April. Ha. Ha. Can't shake the stuff you love!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back in the swing of things

6 miles - It was a beautiful day outside but sadly, I needed a good 'ole episode of The Biggest Loser to get me rolling today. So I ran 6 and walked 1 mile. I feel like I'm a "statistic" following this show. But as you know, I totally *heart* it and had to catch up on Hulu for the episodes I've missed while traveling lately. I'm also a fan of Hulu, check it out if you've never used it. I've been known to lay in bed with my computer and catch up on episodes before falling to sleep at night. Sad, but true, I realize as I type this. ;-) Incidentally I got some new tennies. My toes are thanking me and I'm always happy to throw on some new kicks. I went with Mizuno's the last time around but still am a fan of my Asics, so I went back to them. Not the cheapest kids on the block but definitely worth it for comfort and extra cushioning for my old knees. Sadly, they aren't very cute. Yep, I'm a girl that likes a cute pair of shoes, so I always have the internal struggle of cute vs function. Sadly, I did splurge a little and paid a bit more for the new colors as I didn't want to go with the same color as my last 2 pairs. The guys at Fitness Sports helped me out and were great, even giving a discount for my LLS involvement. They have an atrocious website but know their "running" stuff if you pop in (talk about snobby tech girl talk. :-) Tomorrow... forecast is gorgeous and my forecast is to do a run in fabulous Iowa spring weather!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Game Over

0 miles - game over. body is over it. sinus infection and stomach ache have set in. must sleep.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cystic Fibrosis Walk

0 miles run - Today I had a crazy day of volunteering at church breakfast, off to the Cystic Fibrosis Great Strides Walk to support my college roomie Stacy's twins, Maren & Berne, that both have CF. My family joined me at the event that was at my Alma Mater University of Northern Iowa, in the UNI dome cause it was raining. Stacy & Chris are so awesome and her kids are great despite the number of pills and things they've been through in their 5 years. I also got to see my other college roomie Amy and her three kids, good times always! Here is a picture of the niece and nephews on the turf at the UNI dome where the Panthers play. This was their attempt at looking tough. I think Rayyan's batman facepaint really helps. ;-) Then it was off to nephew Rayyan's 5 yr B'day party in Reinbeck and off to Gladbrook to pick up one of my Portland roomies, Tonia, as she was headed back to Portland on Monday AM via DesMoines airport. Whew... what a day! I think my recent schedule is catching up to my body though as Tonia and I had wine, popcorn and Sudafed before going to bed. Hmmm... just say no to sinus infections!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Drake Relays 1/2 Marathon

13.1 miles - What a great run today! The Drake Relays 1/2 marathon. Dainna and I ended up chatting until about midnight cause we had so much catching up to do. Then there was the craziest and loudest thunderstorm ever in the middle of the night. Wow.. it was a doozy. love that kind of storm, but mostly when I don't have to get up early to run 13 miles. ;-) Dainna and I walked to the starting line and did some "faux" stretching to look like we fit the part with all the other runner "wannabes". I tell you what, there is definitely a scene for this type of road race. ha. ha. Good people watching. We had a great start to the run and I was feeling fabulous. Dainna was as well and we kept on pace for a 10 min mile until about mile 9. That was about the time Dainna hit her wall and felt a bit dehydrated. Something about that recent trip to Mexico kicked in. :-) But we powered through and still made it through in about 2 hours 2o min or so. Then it was home for a nap. Ha. My first 1/2 marathon. Feels different than a marathon and it was interesting the people that we kept playing tortoise and the hare with, back and forth. Even better was the finish line when there was a woman racing us. Oh, the adrenaline rush! Go Team! Incidentally, my race number was the year that I last ran a marathon... 1995! Cool stuff.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dainna in the Hood!

0 miles - day of catching up with work stuff and also Dainna rolled into town for the Drake Relays 1/2 marathon tomorrow. W00t, w00t! Wish us luck!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day of Flight

0 miles - Looong day of flight. Left SF at 8am and got home to good 'ole Lanewood Drive at midnight. Crazy day at the airport though.
1) Ran into a Red Bull athlete I used to work wtih, Heath Frisby from Boise. He was headed back from Moscow snowmobile event and got caught up in the volcano fiasco.
2.) Ran into a DrupalCon attendee I had met while in SF, while waiting in Denver.
3.) Got a free ticket for giving up my seat. Portland Hood to Coast here I come!
4.) While waiting, a dude also waiting for a later flight bought me a drink. Turns out that he knows a friend of mine from Portland and works for a local Oregon winery. Small world stuff, yo!
Ready to get back to the real world... well sorta!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The PanHandle

4 miles - So a co-worker that used to live in SF told me about this area connected to Golden Gate park called the Panhandle. It shoulda been called the "best flat space to run on in SF"! :-) It was a loop with no hills, so once I actually got there, it was a flat elevation to run on so I could get a bit more mileage in with the small amount of time I had each morning before we hit the conference. Yay for the PanHandle! I had a really good run, enjoyed my last morning of beautiful SF views and the sun rising over this great city. Good morning to me! As DrupalCon wrapped up we spent some time in the city and went to a great restaurant called Street, it was on Polk. Confusing, eh? What was not confusing was the food at this wonderful recommendation from my friend Laina. It was great. We celebrated Scott's birthday, there was an appetizer, there were burgers and steaks, there was dessert with candles, wine & beer and a good time had by all. Way yummy and a great end to our trip!! Next stop SFO and the trip back to IOWA tomorrow AM.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yay for SF!

0 miles - Day of recovery, not from running, but from the conference and the Lullabot party at Jillians in SF last night. What a great time! However, the thunderstorm definitely let me settle into a morning sleep in. No mental battle on whether to get up or not on this day. ;-) I'll get back on track tomorrow with a last morning run before heading back on Thursday!

Monday, April 19, 2010


3 miles - Morning run despite some misty rain happening. Headed out on Broderick & Turk down toward Golden Gate park. I'm getting a bit more used to the hills, but my those uphill "battles" will get you winded! Good news: there's always a downhill on the backside of the uphill in this city.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

SF Rain

0 miles - Day of rest after my crazy day yesterday... not to mention the fact that we had to be out of the house by 7am left little time for a morning run...and... it was a rainy SF day! However, I still *heart* SanFrancisco. ;-)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

SF TNT Crew!

13 miles - I had such a wonderful time with the local Team In Training crew in San Francisco today!!! I worked with 2 people to make it happen. Gayle (a mentor) helped set up Patti (her mentee) to pick me up on a street corner and take me over the "big red bridge" to the team run in Marin County. Patti was great, a local architect from Brazil that has been in San Francisco area for 5 years. Gayle was great, the one that set it up for me and made sure I got to the run and was supported with info. I also met Jeanine, a local lawyer that is running in honor of her dad that is fighting Lymphoma right now and a couple of young girls that I finished the run with that really made me push the last 4 miles. They are all going to be in SF so hopefully we will cross paths again. It was a great run!! I was on a total high and I am SO happy to have met this crew. I felt amazing during this run and just downright happy. What a treat. It definitely made missing the drinking fest/party last night at our team house more worthwhile. Cause hey, nobody wants to be a party pooper.
I then went with my company team members to the Muir Redwood Forest. Way cool and we did some hiking. My body is a machine today apparently. I think maybe this hike made up for the extra 5 miles that I didn't do with my Iowa TNT team today as they were going to hit 18 miles. However, my coach may not agree with me. :-)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Over the hills and through the woods...

4 miles - Went with a 6'4" co-worker today for an early morning run. I was worried that I'd be taking 3 steps to every one of his one. But it worked out well and I should rely on my months of training. I felt good and I was able to run the hilly streets and hit the wooded area that is known as none other than the Golden Gate park. Beautiful spot with a lot of wild flowers, landscaped gardens and people that were out for a good solid run. So we did the quick run and headed back for meetings. Tomorrow: a team run with the local TNT crew. I can't wait! Attached is a picture of the view from the room where I'm staying. = I'm a lucky girl. I *heart* *heart* *heart* SanFrancisco!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

San Francisco Treat

3 mile walk - Early morning walk with a co-worker to get the lay of the land. So this hilly SanFrancisco thing is a major workout. I'm hoping my butt is slimming down and not gaining muscle as I navigate up and down these hills. Take that butt! Plan of attack tomorrow: early morning run!!! This is a picture of one of the way cool things in the huge 4 story SF house (we are so SF legit with this house! :-). I think it expresses how I feel this week! My company Lullabot, donated the last bit 'o money I needed to reach my fundraising goal of $3K. I'm extremely touched (and relieved) that they contributed to the cause and to my efforts. Thank you Lullabot!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


0 miles - I flew out this morning for SanFrancisco and had a long day with no run. :-) But I did want to post a pic of Emily and I. My old running buddy from the marathon back in '95. Yay for wonderful friends that are still wonderful after so much time has passed since we've seen one another. I had a great time. :-)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Taking off again

4 miles - Beautiful day. Beautiful run. Neighborhood jog this morning and frantically trying to get everything done. I'm having dinner with Emily from the UNI Marathon back in the day. Excited to see her and then... Heading off to San Francisco tomorrow morning for 8 days. Wish me luck on the training. Hills. I think I'll be running some hills the next week! hills. hills. rolls off the tongue, hopefully it'll roll off my runners. I *heart* San Francisco so I think I'll count some of the walking up and down those hills as cross training. I think that totally counts. :-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Morning Effort

3 miles - walked this little excursion around the neighborhood as my knees just weren't have'n it when I started this run. I'm guessing it's because I ran 12 miles about 12 hours ago. So... it turned into a 3 mile brisk walk. Interesting fact, in tracking my progress in the journal my parents hooked me up with I have a total of 352+ miles that I've run this year. Way cool, huh? As is customary for me, I'm kinda thinking about what comes after the marathon (of course I ponder this in advance of the marathon... always gotta get a head of myself!). I've signed up for Hood to Coast in Portland in August so I think my goal is to continue running shorter runs about 3 times per week and a long run at least 2 weekends out of the month. 10 mile average. Seems anything over 10 my body starts to complain... or rather complains more loudly. Hmmm, what next, what next??? p.s. Last night I got together with the Jr League new member class that I'm assisting with training. We knocked out 30 breakfast casseroles for the Salvation Army using the restaurant kitchen of one of the new members... which happens to be a part of my favorite treat... Le Jardin (La Mie in the mornings). Definitely deserves a shout out for letting us overrun the kitchen! For anyone wanting a very easy volunteer opportunity to help feed those in need in the Des Moines community. Click on the Salvation Army link above for recipe and directions,etc.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday paybacks

12 miles - Paybacks for a few days away on "vacation" = a 12 mile run all by my lonesome upon returning to Des Moines this afternoon. I got my iphone juiced up so I wouldn't run out of tunes and off I went. Took the Clive trail and had a really good run considering I had been gorging on food and drink for the last 4 days. You'd think those extra pounds to carry around might have bothered me! ;-) I did see a bunch of deer, and kids/families on bikes which always makes me smile and just everyone in a good mood overall. I did get to the point where I had to "nod" at people and not say "hi" each time, it's just too exhausting and while I'm sure many were doing some good mileage by my mile 10 I was pretty much happy with a nod. Then, as usual, I got pumped up with about 2 miles to go and kicked it in in the end. Now, it's a couple days in DSM and then off to San Fran for a week for work. Who knows what that will hold. Incidentally, I'm having dinner with Emily Dean on Tuesday night. I haven't seen her in 15 years since my first marathon and she is the one that got me interested in the marathon class at UNI back in the day. She's going to be in DSM for work and rang me this weekend. How cool is that? Cannot wait to see her!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The dreaded suit

0 miles - unfortunately, but quite the workout at an indoor waterpark in IL with the family. So, my parents take us all to Grizzly Jack's in IL for a "christmas gift" in the spring rather than doing the whole money on gifts kinda thing. The kids love it, they get matching jammies from my parents and the crew keeps growing year after year as my sisters continuing increasing the family size. The new attraction this year was Drew... my little niece that is 2 months old. My sister Lydia is due in September so that will increase the size yet again. Amongst the many other attractions to include amusement park rides, trolley rides, put put golf, tube slides & water park chaos such as the wave pool. Chaos, noise, laughter and lots of eating and drinking. We had a ball! However, it's always tough to get into the dreaded suit. So despite that we had a long winter and we were feeling a bit pale and chubby to say the least, we did it. Trust me, we were not alone in this state of being either. Welcome to the family indoor water park. So despite no running for a couple days, the energy level was as high as the noise level for the week... and trust me that is saying a lot!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Not a morning girl

6 miles - Was welcomed back to Grey's lake for a morning run with Jonna. We headed out to the lake for 3 laps and how beautiful it looked! Even though we ran at 6:30am, of which it apparently was hard for both of us to get up (naturally, I'm totally not a morning girl!) and start the run but sorta helps if you know you are going to let someone else down. I mean I'm kinda used to letting myself down easy, or rationalizing about it rather, but if you know someone is there to meet you it totally changes the stakes. So off we ran around the lake with NO snow, No ice, NO windchill which was a big change from the time we spent there in Jan - March... and it was great. :-)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hood to Coast. check!

6 miles - I was too much of a wimp to run in the tail of a rainshower today on the group run. So I hit the treadmill and spent about 3 of my 6 miles talking to my bestie from Denver, Christine. Last year we implemented the "wednesday drive calls". She works in Denver and lives in Boulder (we used to be roomies when I lived there) and so she has a commute. When the weather is nice I exercise outside during the call and she drives home. Total win/win. And I get to catch up with one of the most wonderful people I know. I'm thinking perhaps a trek out to Denver for a wee bit of a stay in October. Which gets me thinking about my upcoming travel ponderings. I'm thinking late summer perhaps for a Boise reunion and have committed to a team for the Hood to Coast relay in August in Portland. This relay is SO MUCH fun! 12 person (3 legs each), 196 miles, start at Mt. Hood and end on the beach in Seaside, OR. I'm committed so onward (except I hope I don't have one of the first few legs, the last time I ran it I had leg 2, down Mt Hood and we had to drain under my toenails with a syringe in the medic tent at the coast. yeah. not good.).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tornado Action

8 miles - We've had some early Spring crazy tornado action here in the big state of Iowa. The first warning of the season, so it was to the basement I went last night and just thought I'd run for a while during the Biggest Loser. It's totally crunch time on the show as they all have their sights set on the final 4 at the big live finale where you get to see all the old peeps come back too(favorite TV episode EVER) and there is some definite game playing. I'm happy to say that Melissa got voted off again. She's quite naughty and there's a lot of negative energy around her so I say good riddance. So... I ran 8 miles and then walked a bit until the end of the show. Accomplished a couple different things:
1) 8 mile run which needed to be done
2) shelter in the basement in the event of a tornado.
Can't beat that!

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Courier

4 miles - When I was home over Easter my parents showed me the local newspaper and they had run a story about my friend Dainna and I, both from Reinbeck, running in the LLS Team in Training program. A big thanks to Jessica and the team there for helping us get the word out about our fundraising efforts. Here's the story: Reinbeck Courier. Thanks also to the Wambold's, local Reinbeck'ians that are always supportive of the cause and contributed. I'm adding their daughter to my list on this site of those that have beat Leukemia! My parents friends as well from the area are wonderful, thanks everyone for your support and donations. Small town people = good people! Yay!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

0 miles - the most running that I did today was in the "adult" easter egg hunt on the farm. I walked (or ran rather) away with 11 eggs and a mere $3.25. Unbelievable! Aunt Jamie, walked away with 2 eggs and the $20 spot in the golden egg. Several others came out ahead of me as well with $10's and $5's here and there. Sister Lydia might be the exception with some old candy and a few bits of change. ha. ha. What fun. We hid the kids eggs first and helped them in the hunt, then mom and dad hid eggs for the rest of us. Imagine 11 adults running around the farm with money at stake, in this economy? :-) Yep it was definitely Game On. Aunt Jamie walked away the big winner, with a few others following closely, of that group, I am not included obviously. So after running around for that, we then all pitched and put on our work clothes/gloves and started clearing the grove behind the house. My parents recently moved into my Grandparents old farmhouse/stead. It had been years since that happened, so it was slow moving and we have a lot yet to do but we did get a lot done amongst the tractor rides with Grandpa and bonfire action. Here are some fun pics. The boys found a toad while "working" with us and Sophia got a long overdue ride with Grandpa in the tractor since the boys have had their share of that. :-)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The ultimate trick

10 miles - we started at 6:30am and the temp was in the upper 30's but as the morning progressed on the run, it was perfection! Light layering and no wind. That's right... I said it, a day of no wind in Iowa. I know hard to believe. :-) I ran with Staci and Coach Kevin the whole time as it was a smaller turnout and there were only 3 of us going the 10 mile marathon distance. And we asked Coach Kevin about his family vacation and some other stories from running. This I've learned is the ultimate trick, because then you don't have to talk, you just listen and you keep your mind on something other than the running you are doing. Brilliant. I guess it's not really a trick when I say to him "Kevin, tell us some stories so we can listen and not have to talk today". But you know... :-) We were on the Clive trail and saw a TON of deer along the way. Overall it was a great run! I had a brunch at La Mie with my good friend Sara to look forward to afterwards and then on to "home" in Reinbeck for Easter. We had some easter eggs to hide and Grandma is throwing in a $50 spot this year, so you can imagine how intense the "adult" hunt is going to get. Go grandma and game on!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Chill

0 miles - I'm trying to give my body some rest around the long runs. Relaxing a bit on the "every day" runs that I was so diligent about in my initial training. I'd freak if I didn't get a day in, which was probably good to get my bum in gear for the initial stages of training for this. I'm OK with days off now instead of stressing about it. So, Friday was a day of rest. :-) 10 miles set for Saturday and a 6:30am start time. Strangely, 10 feels like a short run and I'm excited for that. ha. Let the mind games begin.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Throwing down 3

3 miles - It's been a bit of crazy week so got a quick last minute 3 miles in the neighborhood. It's crazy how i'm excited this weekend is only a 10 mile run. Somehow it relieves the stress of a long run. However... I am a bit stressed about traveling the following two weekends and struggling to get the long runs in.. a plan must be made! Anyway, this quick run was once again SO exciting because a) it is spring b) it was only 3 miles c) I went late in the day and it was still light past 8pm. What's not to love???

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just a friendly neighborhood jog...

4+ miles - We met near my house tonight for a jog around the neighborhood. 4 of us joined up and I met a new person that is training for her first Triathlon. Sam also joined us, we figured out we are neighbors (block and half away!) and should be running together more often. The longer I'm in Beaverdale the more cool people I meet. Love that! So we used my little fancy iphone app (another plug for the fact that it cost a mere $4.99... fabulous!) that tracked our mileage and we headed out in 80 degree weather. That's right 80 degrees in Iowa in March. We so earned that after this ridiculous winter! I also am getting excited for the first downtown DSM farmers market... May 1... mark your calendars. Mark 'em and look forward to fresh eats, veggies, flowers, happy people, dogs, strollers and general happy chaos... and the promise of sunshine. In celebration of the warming weather, I picked up some asparagus and cherry tomatoes and fresh garlic and broiled it in the oven for a bit. Garlic is the best smelling ever... unless it's on someone else's breath. Weird how that works, eh? :-)~

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


0 miles - So i'm having a bit of trouble with the toes. Any of you that have run long distances, done Hood to Coast in Portland and had a downhill leg, or trained for a running event, can probably feel my pain... literally! After my long run on Sunday, I now have about 3 toenails that are about ready to bite the dust. Not a good way for a girl to enter the spring/summer flip flop season. ah! I dread painting faux toenails on my feet so that I can wear sandals with pride. You've all seen feet with the faux toenail and let's face it, it's never good. So, even though it was way nice out today, I mean upper 70's... I think I brought Tucson home with me! I didn't run in an effort to take off the bandaids for a day and let the feet breath. 1 blood blister and two regular blisters later, my toes aren't exactly throbbing anymore (thank goodness I work from home in slippers!) so I'm gearing up for a group run on Wed night. Hopefully the bandaids will at least contain the bleeding. ew. Seriously... gross. Here's a pic of the newly painted, cut, bandaided, trimmed toes. Poor things. I did a pretty good job, I wouldn't dare show you the before pic's. They are looking a bit swollen like Flintstone feet right now but hey... they get the job done! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring in Iowa

3 miles - It's spring in Iowa! Just did a quick jog before running to a group meeting and realized how wonderful it was to see spring popping up everywhere. People were outside, birds were singing and I thought... ahhh, this has what I've been dreaming about all winter. Thank God it's here!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

w00t! w00t!

16 miles - That's right party people... 16 whopping miles over 3 hours time. Jonna was kind enough to wait for me instead of running it Saturday morning as that was when I was flying back. We got a mid morning start and wrapped it up with a steady pace. It felt good, really good! The wind was crazy though as we headed out to Waukee... I have a friend that lives all the way out there (won't name names, Sara Richards) and we always tease her about how far out she lives and about how she has to "road trip" to come into Des Moines. Well, let me tell you, it feels a lot longer on foot! Ha. Heading out was kinda crazy cause we didn't really have a gauge for how far we would be headed and we just had my iphone app tracking distance to keep us "up to speed", no pun intended. So, as with anything and especially road trips as a kid... the trip back felt SOOO much better and much quicker, not to mention we weren't against the wind as much. I was TOTALLY ready to be done at mile 14 but we stuck with it and finished strong. w00t! w00t! 16 miles... check that off the list yo! Crazy enough after resting for a couple hours on the couch, I spent the afternoon doing yard work. Had to uncover some of those pretty crocuses! Then it was finishing laundry and doing some much needed grocery shopping. I have NO IDEA where all that energy came from other than my list was long and the days are light longer which is WAY inspiring!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back to Iowa!

0 miles - back to Iowa today! Upon returning, I went wedding dress shopping with my friend Staci who had gotten engaged while I was gone. Congrats Staci & Eric! A summer wedding is being planned and who doesn't love a little wedding dress shopping? :-) and then I tried to unpack, laundry and recuperate! Tomorrow = 16 miles. yikes!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Meeting Terri

3 miles - Quick run in today, but that was definitely not the highlight of the day! While in "the Ville" I decided to do a couple things that I always enjoy while there... catching up with old Red Bull buddies and getting a lunch in at my favoriate Louisville restaurant... Ramsi's! Way yummy food, here's a picture but it doesn't do it justice... AND Drew slept through the whole lunch... fabulous! I also got the chance to meet Jenn OC's sister who is fighting lymphoma as well. I worked with Jenn at Red Bull and she is just good people. :) Terri, her sister, had just celebrated her 30th b'day and just gotten the news that she was cancer free. She was still cautious about it and had radiation to go through for a few weeks. She looked great and was the best looking bald girl I've seen in a long time! :-) Yay Terri! We had a good time and also got to meet up with Mary Cecil, another past Red Bull peep that I'd met over the years while there. We did a Trolley Hop at a couple shops with wine and sister Emmy joined us after one of the kids went to bed. :-) Good times. Only bad event of the day??? UNI Panthers lost thus ending their journey to the Final Four. I'm a sad Panther but it was way cool that they beat Kansas. Sorry Carley and Joel up in Alaska... bye bye Kansas! ;-)