Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sun Roof

0 miles - Sunday, literally day of rest. :-)
Sunshine. 32 degrees. Sun roof. Open. Brilliant day. Not so brilliant? The ice that is seeping under my roof line and leaking into the ceiling and down the walls of my dining room. *sigh* One more "winter expense". Wish me luck.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


12 miles - It was 12 degrees when we started today, but promises of sun- shine and 30 degrees got our
morning rolling. Someone in the group commented right off the bat, "12 miles for 12 degrees". Woohoo! I had a great run today! I got up extra early and did some stretching at home, had one of my favorite RB smoothies and dressed warmly for the occasion. :-) Ready to go by 7am. The group continues to grow now that it is not only light out when we start our runs, but presumably warmer, although looks can be deceiving some days like today. We realized that for the first time since starting these Saturday runs... we could see our shadows! The last 1/4 mile today, Coach Kevin an I stopped to snap a quick photo of our shadows & the DSM "skyline" across the frozen lake. I felt a bit like Groundhog Day as it reminded me that Spring is around the corner. Except instead of being afraid of our shadows we *hearted* them! Way exciting. I mean WAY. It also reminded us that this was the first Saturday run in two months where the sun was actually out. Ouch. Once again, makes it even more exciting when you do see the sun. So, today was one of those days. I can't even describe it. How wonderful it is to have a good run. Honestly, today I could have gone further had it been on the "schedule". That's not to say that I'm running fast or racing or anything like that. I'm saying a really good steady run, some great chat time, laughter here and there, time to check out the other runners and walker "new on the scene" out at the lake, doing the "dance" around the icy or snow covered areas of the path, story telling, making fun of the city workers slacking, observing the city skyline, marveling at how we are such bad asses to be out running in "weather like this", and a body that feels good the whole way without aches and pains. Nuth'n like it. Next on the schedule? 16 miles next Saturday. Bring it.
Here's a few of us at the end of the 12 mile run. Still standing. Still smiling. As they say at the Leukemia Lymphoma Society TNT office... Go Team!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My, that Willard can dance.

6 miles -
So, name that movie. It's an easy one if you relish 80's flicks as much as I do. That's right. Footloose. I finally got to watch the end of it (I started it like 2 weeks ago but have become, as I've mentioned several times, obsessed with the olympics). I'm almost certain Footloose was filmed in Idaho but with characters from a small town in Iowa. ;-)
I had a great run! I think it could be any one of the following reasons, or all of them. Actually wait, it's not #5 I just threw that one in there to be silly. I only feel that way about running after the run.

1) upped the speed on the tread cause, as usual I was running late and had my friend Kiley coming over for dinner
2) took a day off yesterday so my knees would chill out
3) Footloose was on the TV, nuf said.
4) Had one of my RB smoothies for lunch
5) I heart running

Everybody cut. Everybody cut.

Snack of the day: smart pop 100 calorie pack with Mrs. Dash Southwest chipotle spices sprinkled on. Yum!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"knee"ding a day off

0 miles - I skipped a run today after going to a physical therapy speech on injury prevention tonight. Something about having trouble ascending and descending stairs and having to ice my left knee after runs leads me to believe that I need to give it a break for more than one day per week. Next step: apptmt with the PT dude to figure out how to be more kind to it. I'm also going to try to do some core strengthening and hip exercises as he thought that may be part of the problem as well. Secretly: I think it's either my butt that is always following me around or the extra 10 lbs I put on this past year or two. ;)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chick flick or bust

4 miles - Since the weather hasn't been inspiring me lately, thought I'd head to the movie theater with some friends for a little fake reality. Quickly got a 4 mile run in on the tread before running to the theater. Uneventful but purposeful as I was on a limited timeframe which always ups the pace. Good news for me as I'm usually running late for stuff so that occasionally challenges me with a fast pace. Ultimate chick flick, "Valentine's Day", I mean they weren't even trying to disguise the fact that it was a chick flick with a name like that. I went in skeptical but loved it! ha. I was inspired... mostly to live in a warmer place like CA again and have a movie star boyfriend, but inspired nonetheless. I notice that my moments of inspiration these day are often yet fleeting, but I'll take'em regardless. :-) Cause that's the half full kinda girl that I am.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Olympics Inspiration

3 miles - not much exciting news here. Jumped on the treadmill today cause it is darn cold with a windchill once again. I think maybe if we get through this week. March will be more gentle on us. I hope anyway! I'm still being inspired daily by the Olympics. How could you not be?? The amazing capabilities of these athletes through training for years. Can you imagine working your whole life for something? It makes me want to be a better athlete and to stick with it every day even when I'm tired or sore. Training for success... what are you training for in life? It's an interesting thought. With training, you are able to achieve amazing things. Personally, the harder part for me is trying to figure out what the goal is, so the training can start. Another reason why I needed a goal like the TNT marathon. Small steps toward identifying life goals and starting the training process. It also gives you an identity of sorts. Something to be a part of. Something to check off of your list with pride. So.. What's next?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lucky Number 12

12 miles - At long last we surpassed the 10 mile mark. Woohoo! It was a warm day by our normal Saturday run standards, in the 20's and it wasn't windy, which makes for a great run! Stacy (who I met for the first time today), Jonna and I decided we'd go one more lap to reach 12 miles when Coach Kevin only required 10 today. That's right party people, we opted for an extra 2 miles. I just wanted to break that 10 mile barrier that we've had for the past few Saturdays ya know? It was even better to have people to chat with the last 2 mile lap. That's another amazing thing about training for such a short amount of time, I can actually talk while running for that many miles. It could mean that I need to step up my speed or it could mean that my lungs are in great shape since they've been training in subzero, wind, rain and snow for the last 6 weeks. I'm going to go with the healthy lungs theory. I tried out Kristen's little "yaktrax" ( ) for the last couple laps and soon forgot I had them on but had a lot more confidence running on the snow and ice covered trail we were on. It doesn't help on the ice beneath snow but for the most part definitely makes you feel more confident. And, yes, by the way, I realize how ridiculous I sound talking about running 12 miles on snow/ice covered trails from our big snow yesterday. But it was a great day for a run. Happy weekend. :-)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Desperate Measures

3 miles - just a quick jog this AM to make up for the run I didn't do yesterday! So even though this is technically a day of rest, I did a quick treadmill run this morning. Shocking weather forecast for tomorrow morning run... snow. Can you believe it? Me too. Incidentally this has prompted me to take some desperate measures and book a week in Tucson with my Boise bestie Tiffany and a week in Louisville to visit my new niece Drew. Take THAT Iowa winter! Next step, getting in touch with Tucson and Louisville Team In Training groups so I don't miss my long runs. :) That should be fun! And what, oh what, will it feel like to run without 2 layers of running gear, mittens and a stocking cap? Not sure, but I'm gonna find out! Yay!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Twilight Run

4 miles - We hit the lower Beaver Road trail for a run tonight. Always good to change it up mid-week and run with some other TNT peeps. Not as great as the Twilight series of books(yep, I read 'em!), but rewarding nonetheless... great to get a run in during the last few rays of sunlight. Again, makes you feel extra dedicated, cause the alternative would be to think we are crazy. :) And it is way exciting that it is light until almost 6pm now. Yay! The countdown to changing the clocks March 14 is on!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday's Tortoise

6 miles - The sun was shining (a MAJOR rarity this winter, been feeling like I was back in Boise with all of it's inversion"ness"!) so I did a late afternoon run around 4:30pm outside. Oh, glorious sun for the occasional winter outdoor runs.
But what is not so glorious? The windchill! My face was a little fried as half of the 2 mile loop had the wind blowing into you. Let me just say, once again I'm thinking, how in the world did I become this dedicated to running? I was still happy to be outside and did the 'ole 3 trips around the lake run. It was one of those days where there were a lot of people going the opposite way so I kept seeing the same people over and over again. You stop saying hi or waving about the 3rd time. Isn't it weird how it just gets to feeling awkward after that? I did have one woman that I played tortoise and the hare with. Of course I was the tortoise which is usually my role. hee. hee. slow but steady. She would pass, then use the restroom so I passed her and then walk so I passed her, etc., etc., and so the story goes. Moral of the story: the tortoise really starts to dislike the hare.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Manic Monday

3 miles - a morning run! I'm so proud. :-) why I don't do this every day is unknown to me other than when that alarm goes off every morning, I just don't seem to want to get up. Could it be a) it's darn cold b) sleep is awesome or c) I am so NOT a morning person. I'm gonna go with d) all of the above.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

It gives you Wiiings.

10 miles - Good news! The snow hasn't started yet and I'm done with my run for the day. :) It's a bit sad when 25 degrees feels REALLY warm and you are excited you ONLY have to run 10 cause the trails are covered with snow, but also a blessing I suppose. :-) We were scheduled for 14 miles but because of the partially snow/ice covered trail we decided we'd shoot for 10 today. I had a good run and am now chilling and getting things done for the rest of the day. How nice! So... I ran a bit with Jonna today, always great to meet new people! She had some fancy little clip on clamps on her shoes that help with the snow covered trails, I may need to invest in those, I seem to be holding out as I still have the dream of Spring or at least clear sidewalks, even if Spring take a bit. Upon chatting, I convinced her to try a SF Red Bull in her regular protein smoothie routine so I'll be taking some RB to next week's run. :-) I know I've mentioned in a previous blog and threw in the recipe but I am TOTALLY digging the smoothie drink and look forward to it more than meals. (sidenote: I have been known to "burn out" on foods because I love, love, love them.. and then all a sudden I don't anymore. ;) Maybe it's because sometimes when I drink it out of a wine glass, I pretend I'm drinking wine which I've tried to give up during my training. Sometimes when I make it, it's perfection, other times, I add to much of this or that, and when I've tried to modify with other fruits or types of protein, I'm always a sad panda about the results. So today... I will enjoy the perfect combo and the rest of my day knowing I got my run in already! Woohoo!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day of rest... for me anyway!

0 miles - Day of rest for me, but my sister Emmy had her second child today. Reese has a little sister! Her name is Drew and I can't wait to meet her. Yay for favorite aunts. ;) Tomorrow: 14 mile run with snowstorm in the forecast. Shocking.

Edamame, stirfry & snowstorms... oh, my!

3.5 miles - Another late night run as I had a Jr League of Des Moines newbie meeting that I was involved in after work tonight. We then went for drinks at Star bar and as they all had drinks, I had water (yes, this is extremely hard for me) and some amazing Edamame that I am going to try to replicate at home. Apparently they saute it first and then put soy sauce on it. Yummy. Also, thought I'd throw in a picture of this yummy stirfry that I made. Still trying to do the veggie thing although I'm seriously thinking about investing in some beano, if you know what I mean. hee. hee. Bracing for another storm this weekend so we'll see if the Saturday long run happens or not. My friend Dainna is in town this weekend and we are going to do some runs together which I'm excited about. It's always good to have a running partner, although I think we are going to have to ask her husband to drive in front of us with a snowblower to make it happen... knowing Heath, he'd do it. ha. I'm just not sure I'M that dedicated. :)


3 miles - Tonight after work I was a "sub" for a friend's Bunko group. I full intended on making my $5 contribution back and then some and then donating it to the LLS as part of my fundraising. Alas, luck was not on my side, I experienced only 1 bunko and came away with more losses than wins for the night. But I did meet some cool people and had some fun conversations. Nonetheless, I came home empty handed with nothing but a goal to hop on the treadmill at 10pm upon my return.... no excuses. As a special treat to myself, I also limited myself to one glass of wine while there. ha. :-) So, this night it was a 3 mile run with Ray Romano humor to see me through.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bucket List

10 miles - Tuesday night after returning from NYC with a few days off of the running schedule I decided I needed to do the long run that I had missed on Saturday. I anticipated taking a half day off from work to get my run done out at Grey's Lake. However, Iowa winter storm number one million had other ideas. #fail So instead, I spent my lunch break with my snowblower and my evening on the treadmill. All I can say is thank goodness my fav show "Biggest Loser" was on TV. Ummm, yeah, now I can cross "run 10 miles on a treadmill" off of my bucket list. It was actually a really good run and I'm finally feeling back to normal most of the time from the crazy stomach bug that plagued me for a couple weeks. Picture: The most used room in my house this winter... the basement.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Legs at Rest in NYC

5 miles - On Thursday night before I flew out in the early AM for my biz trip to NYC, I hit the treadmill for a 5 mile run. I had a great run, espec as it was on the treadmill. I owe part of that to Wren & Arial as they are helping me through the longer treadmill runs by pushing for great dance music (...any of you 80's peeps know what I'm talking about. :) I was hoping to be able to run while in NYC but unfortunately did not have the opportunity as I was not at a hotel with a treadmill but stayed with a friend and co-worker...Liza and her daughter Nika. We had meetings all day and then dinners at night going back in forth into Manhattan from Brooklyn where they have a great little apartment in a fun little neighborhood called Carrol Gardens. So needless to say, I'm a bit behind on mileage having missed a long run on Saturday. Althought I did carb up with some amazing Italian in the city. I anticipated making that run up today but we've got another winter storm here in Iowa and running a long distance outside is not really an option. It was nice to get away from the crazy snowglobe I've been living in this winter in Iowa. I'm getting excited for my friend Dainna to come this weekend and get a few runs in together. She is training out of the Minneapolis area and we will meet up in San Diego in June!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Slow Motion

4 miles - so on Tuesday I went for a 4 mile run with fellow team member Kristin out on the lower Beaver Ave trail just as dusk was hitting at 5pm. My heart goes out to Kristin and Ken as they had attended a funeral in the morning for a 5 year old that they were running in honor of, that lost her battle with Leukemia last weekend. So sad and hard to grasp. We had a good run although I'm still battling stomach issues and was a bit of a "slow motion" sluggish run for me and we were back just in time for complete darkness. Which was great as I was having dinner with friends at 7pm. Enter: the chaos for the day. When I stepped out on the trail for the run, I separated my keys and threw my house keys on the console in my car and just took my car key for the run. So when I got home I got out of my car, closed the garage door and was on my merry way to the house to open the door (yes, I have a detached garage) when I realized I didn't have my keys. It was one of those "Slow Motion" moments where I turned and saw the last few inches close on the garage door and momentarily thought about throwing my body under the door to trigger the sensors so the door would go up. alas... no go and locked down tight it went. With my keys inside. So as I stand shivering and sweating in cold/dark winter night I decide to try to break into the garage to no avail. Head over to my neighbors for some hand little "tools" that may assist with the break in. No good. $50 and 45 minutes later a locksmith spent a mere 20 seconds to unlock it and charged my credit card and was on his merry way. I am a dork. The sequence of events leading to this were ridiculous. Who puts their spare key to their house in their locked garage? Who does that?? Me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not advised

3.5 miles - OK so it is not advised to watch a sappy movie like "the Notebook" while on a treadmill trying to pound out some miles. I'm not an emotional girl but that movie is a killer. I also did some more reading online today and got some feedback from a co-worker about being kind to my digestive system so I'm feeling better equipped with info at least. :) Ready to kick this tummy thing. I've got a busy week this week so I'm going to have to do some planning to get my runs in. Once again I had a late night run this evening because I was glued to the TV for the Biggest Loser show. I'm happy to see that Miggy has had an attitude change. Don't you think that's half, or maybe one quarter of the battle with running too? Psyching yourself up and then not letting yourself off the hook when you get tired? Not gonna lie, I'm nervous after a somewhat painful run on Saturday, but I know that will happen once in a while and is the exception not the rule. So for my eating, I'm trying to be nice to my stomach and include some different things. My evening meal included brown rice and chicken. It was really good and easier on my stomach than some of the raw veggies I've been consuming. Incidentally, had a valentine cookie on Monday night at a meeting and I've been thinking about it ever since. good grief. p.s. darn groundhog. more winter???

Probiotics and other musings

0 miles - Monday was one of those days that I felt like I just needed to let my body rest as my stomach stuff is starting to stress me out. So I did just that, took the day off and got some probiotics (thanks for the tip from my sister Emmy) and decided not to stress about it. I also did some online reading to see what other runners have said about "curing" this bid'ness. So I have a renewed outlook and am ready to go. (now if we could just get some sunny warm days I think I'd feel even better!) So, I've got this book that was given to me by my aunt Ann forever ago and pulled it out recently. I'm totally digging this quote when looking at the year ahead... just makes you feel good reading it! And as they say,this marathon thing is a marathon not a sprint... or something like that. :)
"Time is the New Year's bountiful blessing: three hundred sixty-five bright mornings and starlit evenings; fifty-two promising weeks; twelve transformative months full of beautiful possibilities; and four splendid seasons. A simply abundant year to be savored." ~Sarah Ban Breathnach