Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The PanHandle

4 miles - So a co-worker that used to live in SF told me about this area connected to Golden Gate park called the Panhandle. It shoulda been called the "best flat space to run on in SF"! :-) It was a loop with no hills, so once I actually got there, it was a flat elevation to run on so I could get a bit more mileage in with the small amount of time I had each morning before we hit the conference. Yay for the PanHandle! I had a really good run, enjoyed my last morning of beautiful SF views and the sun rising over this great city. Good morning to me! As DrupalCon wrapped up we spent some time in the city and went to a great restaurant called Street, it was on Polk. Confusing, eh? What was not confusing was the food at this wonderful recommendation from my friend Laina. It was great. We celebrated Scott's birthday, there was an appetizer, there were burgers and steaks, there was dessert with candles, wine & beer and a good time had by all. Way yummy and a great end to our trip!! Next stop SFO and the trip back to IOWA tomorrow AM.

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